TV Rant -9.7

I’m watching less tv than I should (I’m a little gun shy with that 6 strikes rule out).

But here are my rants

Parks and Rec is still solid.  Ron Swanson is one hell of a character.  He’s a better foil for Amy Poehler than Tina Fey was and that is saying something.  And the Tammy episodes have continued their epic scope.

The Office has been underwhelming.  I’m still watching because I’ve been in this long, I want to see what they have planed for the ending.

Tom Hanks’ Electric City is…  well…  Just fucking awesome.  Very sad, action packed, social commentary. Post apocalyptic society.  Scariest sewing circle ever.  This isn’t TV per sea; it was a series of Yahoo web shorts.  Watch it, it’s amazing.

House of Cards.  Netflix’s 1st series.  I won’t say original because it’s a remake of a British show; but it doesn’t matter.  Kevin Spacey is born to play the part of a Machivelian congressman from South Carolina.  Kate Mara and Robin Wright are also awesome in it.  I’d even vote for Spacey’s character.  Very very good.

Nashville.  Yep still watching it.  This has become a solid show.  It’s somewhat of a morality tale but it’s not an asshole.  It really makes you want to see what happens.  Chip Esten is quietly stealing the show and needs to act in more shit.

Justified.  This refuses to become another cop show.  Love it.

Archer is still obviously awesome.


Game of Thrones, March 31

Mad Men, April 7

Breaking Bad, July 14 (fuck)

Venture Bros, May 19

The Killing, May (It Rises!)

CBS, the worst network ever, is developing Steven King’s Under the Dome as a series.  If CBS has ever had a good drama, I can’t recall what it might be.  I’m currently reading the book and I’ll get back to you on what a massive clusterfuck this will be.

Woody Harelson and Matt McConaughey are developing a series called True Detective for HBO.  Ought to be interesting.

Actually HBO has a bunch of interesting stuff going on.  Hobgoblin is a series in development about a bunch of magicians and con men who try to bring down the nazi regime in WW2.  Michael Chabon is writing it.  I’ve only read one of his books, The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, but it was pretty epic.

They’re also adapting American Gods (Neil Gaiman).  I don’t think this can be successfully done.  But I’d rather have HBO try than CBS.

More later, now time to make snowballs for the coming battle…


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