American Horror Story: X-Men

I mean Coven.  It’s hard to tell at times.

And I was only kidding with that before the mid season point when one of the witches literally became Xavier.  Well, cane instead of wheelchair and presumably vagina and not penis.

Let me back up, the 3rd season of the anthology horror series called American Horror Story is Coven.  It’s about 2 clans of feuding witches in New Orleans.  One originally resided in Salem (white) but relocated to New Orleans.  The problem was group of Voo-doo  practitioners (black) already resided there.  They don’t get along.  The Salem group has a token (Precious) but she defects mid season (gasp!)

If you think about it, something about all the participants being girls kind of hides the fact about it being a flat out race war.  It would sure seem that way if they were all men.  And it might be more offensive to people.  It’s not like it makes the situation less obvious; but something about them all being female brings out a reaction of:  no, no, let em fight…

Anyhoo, the 1st season (Murder House) was surprisingly good.  The second (Asylum)  started strongly, but I got pretty bored of murder/rape before I finished it.  I know, I know.  I wouldn’t believe me without seeing it either.

And I’m watching this season, and will finish it.  The heavyweight addition to the cast this year (there’s always one) is Kathy Bates who is one of my favorites.  However, as a denizen of pre-Civil War New Orleans, she uses a similar accent to the one she had in Waterboy.  Makes it harder than normal to take her seriously.

They also (like other seasons) incorporate some real life murder history with a solid appearance by the Axeman of New Orleans.  That scores big points with my brand of nerd.

Why do I compare it to X-Men?  The witches seem to have specific abilities except for Apocalypse (played by Angela Basset) whose powers are more vaguely defined and seem to have no bounds.  I’m serious, there’s a Rouge, Precious is kind of a human Voo-doo doll where her injuries are experienced by her enemies, a minotaur dude, a Frankenstein(ish), there’s a professor X, there’s a Madalyn Pryor, lots of similarities.  The white chicks live in the X-Mansion, which poses as a school for gifted youngsters.

And the best fights happen on the lawn of the X-mansion.  I’m not saying I haven’t enjoyed the season, just saying the writers are either doing this deliberately or are channeling Stan Lee and Louise Simonson.

But, like I said, I’m still watching.  It’s not boring.

Update:  It really went to shit and the various plots collapsed into a pile of fuckall.  Skip it if you haven’t already.


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