I don’t make a habit of watching films Obama recommends.
Don’t have a personal issue with the man, I just feel like beating his ass and taking his lunch money. But that’s not mature. Or PC. Or racist. Or any of the other things people are always telling social services about me.
Anyway, this is a film about people who live in Louisiana south of the Levees that keep the Gulf of Mexico at bay. The way they rather charmingly put it,” all the pussies that can’t deal with a little water live on the other side of the levees.” They refer to their community as ‘the bathtub’. They hunt, fish, and plant. They build shelters with discarded items and hand cut lumber. They have their own education system. Kind of. They teach (and these are the films words) the kids to ‘not be pussies’ and take care of themselves. Which is really required to live outside of organized society.
The Beasts of the title are mythical giant buffalo swine that used to roam free before the human world. They still run in legendary untamed lands. They mostly appear as a visual metaphor.
The focus of the story is on a 6 year old girl and her father as they survive in this world as Hurricane Katrina hits.
While predisposed to dislike this film, I found I quite enjoyed it. The self sufficiency and ‘beast’ mentality preached by residents of the bathtub is infectious. It makes you just want to leave, and go where no one is. And quit being a pussy.
The little girl was nominated for an Oscar for her performance, and that’s not a publicity stunt. She crackles with intensity. Especially when fate foolishly decides to counter her whims. She will be a force when she grows up.
This is one you just have to see. It’s sad, scary, happy, human, and doesn’t give a shit what you think.
It’s out on dvd, give it a look.