On my last TV rant I maintained that Newsweek did enough to get one more viewing from me.  And they used it.  That second episode was the dumbest thing I watched on TV yesterday that wasn’t True Blood.  I’m past being concerned the show has a decided political slant or that the retro-active fictionalization of real events is lazy or that I might be biased against a drama centered around journalism (because I hate the institution).  The show, in the space of one episode, became too stupid for my consideration.  It’s not the show’s political bent, its lazy design, or that journalism is inherently stupid.  The dialogue of its 2nd episode was worthy of Full House.  If I were HBO I’d be embarrassed I greenlit this crap.

And keeping with HBO, how stupid is True Blood?  And how retarded am I to keep watching it?  It’s first season began as a truly unique take on the supernatural and its uses in symbolism (and in this case the show should be viewed separate from the books.  the 1st season of the show was an actual achievement; the books are were and are still crap).  And sported some very attractive nude females, some of whom are Oscar winners.  But it quickly went stupid.  Much like Alan Ball’s other show.  Why am I still watching?  Well, there’s still nudity.  And Bill and Eric are still slightly interesting characters.  So I’ll continue to chronicle this thing from its promising beginning to whenever the ass machine it has become emits its final wet fart.  But you should ignore this pile of shit.  Save yourself.

HBO is singularly lacking a quality Sunday show.  I’m hoping post-Jimmy Boardwalk Empire doesn’t let me down.  And if not, AMC’s Breaking Bad will get me over my breakup.

It’s really too bad Luck was decidedly unlucky.  That could have been a solid show.  I like the idea of Milich and Mann teaming up again.  HBO needs to keep these guys working.  The give good TV.

Looking at HBO’s upcoming new shows, I’m underwhelmed.  Here’s hoping that Dark Tower adaptation doesn’t suck complete ass.  And that they don’t fuck up American Gods.  And enough with Sorkin.  He’s proven to be a movie writer.  His TV efforts are more of the CBS calibre.

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