Hell on Wheels –This show takes place during the construction of the Union Pacific railroad. The main character is a former confederate Quantrell type who’s searching for his wife’s killers in the lawless west in the aftermath of the Civil War.
The 1st problem I have with the show is it is much too accessible. All the good guys are good, all the bad guys are bad and its immediately obvious who is who. A couple good guys aren’t friends immediately but still. Boring.
The 2nd is that nothing happens. I watched 10 episodes and everybody just kind of fucked around. There was possibly an interesting bad guy in a Norwegian bookkeeper who was turned hard by Andersonville, but they ended up making him a caricature.
Verdict: skip it.
Sherlock – The 2nd season is pretty fucking cool and Freeman and Cumberbatch rival Downey and Law. Not sure about the ending, but I sure as hell didn’t forsee the direction it would take.
Verdict: Must see
Luck: I’m not going to say anything, just see it.
Verdict: get HBO
Also, there’s more Justified, Game of Thrones, Mad Men, and Venture Bros in 2012. All are OX certified.
Also more Archer. That’s a big deal. Not kidding.